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Bank locations

1.At what number can I reach my branch?

To communicate with your branch, you may call the Telebanking Center at 1 877 522-3863, Monday to Friday, during regular business hours. An advisor will diligently connect you to your branch.

The address and opening hours of your branch are also available on our website at under “Find us”. From there, you may search by postal code, street name, city or province.

2.What is my branch transit number?

The transit number begins with 0, followed by the branch number and ends with 1. Therefore, it is composed of 5 digits. For example, the transit number of branch 025 is 00251. This number appears on your monthly bank statement, on the LBCDirect website and at the bottom of your cheques.

3.What is the institution number of the Laurentian Bank of Canada?

The Laurentian Bank’s institution number is “039”.
